Children are compelled by their curiosity to seek out, explore and master that which interests them. By supporting them, the Montessori teacher facilitates creativity, innovation, problem solving and “joy” within the child.

INNOVATION → Problem Solving Skills
While the “play” that children engage in may appear simple, there is great meaning in it. This is their work. Mastery occurs when a child stumbles on a problem he cannot solve. Each avenue he explores to solve it—encourages brain pathways and innovative means of getting it to work. This is why guiding the child to discover on his own is of such importance to his/her development.

INDEPENDENCE → Self Confidence
When a child asks for help—help them. When a child says “I can do it,” let them. A famous quote by Dr. Montessori was based on the profound benefits she witnessed firsthand over many years of teaching: “Never help a child with a task at which he feels he can succeed.” Not only does independence aid in learning, it is vital to self esteem, self reliance, and self confidence.

TOP THINKERS OF OUR AGE → Montessori Schooled
Larry Page and Sergey Brin, founders of Google, credit their success to a Montessori education, as it instilled within them the ability to be self-directed, self-starters. The role of a Montessori teacher is to use innovative teaching tools which promote natural discovery and expertise. By honouring the natural inclinations of the child; true passion and love for their work emerges.
“A child’s growing independence is not to be feared, but celebrated. It means you are doing your job.” –Nancy Graham, owner of Pathway Montessori